Right Resolution CIC is a Northamptonshire & Peterborough based organisation supporting young people (16-24) leaving care on their individual needs to ensure that each young person’s progress is specific, purposeful and unique to their aspirations.
Product or Service
Nene Valley Care Trust (NVCT) is a local charity that funds projects giving care leavers the support, guidance and confidence they need in accessing education, training and employment.
The project offers intensive 1-2-1 support to care leavers and organises apprenticeships with local businesses. It also works with further education colleges to help young people to access training, education and employment.
Our 16+ project is for all young people leaving care. The objective of the projects are to provide opportunities to engage in social activities, training and volunteering. This project operates both in Northamptonshire and Peterborough
The Building Better Opportunities Work Readiness Action Programme (BBO WRAP) is an initiative co-funded by the European Social Fund & National Lottery Community Fund. The lead organisation for delivery of the project is Goodwill Solutions CIC.
This project is designed to support care leavers to develop employability and life skills as well as offer guidance into Education, Employment and Training. Providing personalised, reilable and constant support throughout the project with access to further opportunities from professionals who will listen to personal aspirations.
Social or Environmental Mission
Our organisation has helped reduce the number of care leavers not in education, employment or training (NEET), reduce social isolation, raise the profile of young people leaving care as well as help young people achieve their individual aspirations.
With our unique approach and intentional, conscious support we allow care leavers to be in control and make decisions on their destiny.
Operating In
Northamptonshire and Peterborough
Head Office Address
Main Contact: Amarjit Pawar (Director and Projects Manager)
1056 Deer Park Road
Email: admin@rightresolutioncic.org
Telephone: 01604 626188
Website: https://www.rightresolutioncic.org/