Our Vision is to be a centre of excellence in social enterprise, to be a voice for the growth of West Northamptonshire’s vibrant, existing social enterprise sector and an advocate of the positive social, economic, environmental and cultural impact it makes.
We will use our collective experience of the diversity of the sector to create an environment where new social enterprises can start, develop and flourish.
To develop networks of support between Social Enterprises, businesses and the local community in West Northamptonshire.
To use that collaboration to achieve positive change for the sector and community.
To create trading relationships between organisations from different Social Enterprise sectors as well as commercial businesses and charities.
There are over 100 Social Enterprises already in West Northamptonshire
Supporting the scale and growth of the existing Social Enterprise
economy in West Northamptonshire.
Providing opportunities for incubator Social Enterprises to develop sustainably.
Organising events to encourage, inform and support skills development for entrepreneurs, students and others to seek and create employment within Social Enterprises.
Promote voluntary work experience and paid employment opportunities at Social Enterprises for those from the community who have additional barriers to employment.